Player Roster
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Handle | H.I.™ |
Arvanitis, Billy | 7.8 |
belley, chantale | 7.0 |
Bermel, Karl | 21.0 |
Bingley, Rob | 11.2 |
collins, judy | 7.5 |
Comeau, Pauline | 14.3 |
Dambrauskas, Dan | 6.4 |
Desparois, Liette | 14.5 |
Doll, Gregor | 9.4 |
Evans, Owen | 12.8 |
Fitzpatrick, Dane | +0.2 |
Gordon, Jeff | 8.7 |
Graham, Gord | 6.8 |
Grant, Peter | 11.6 |
Hergot, Matt | 9.5 |
Herrington, Alex | 10.0 |
Herrington, Gary | 17.4 |
Hessel, James | 15.4 |
Kelly, Dan | |
Kelly, Kevin | 14.3 |
Keohane, Chad | 11.4 |
Knight, David | 8.0 |
Kocsis, Chris | 7.0 |
logan, susan | 16.8 |
Mcallister , Ron | 5.8 |
McPhee, Eric | 5.9 |
Mellway, Perry | 7.5 |
Mulvihill, Kevin | |
murray, justin | 18.6 |
Myllari, Roy | 5.6 |
oderkirk, bev | 17.3 |
Pedersen, Eric | 11.0 |
Proulx, Lise | 14.3 |
reinhardt, ben | 10.1 |
Richadrdson, Jake | 15.3 |
Robson, Kevin | 0.3 |
Romano , Paul | 21.6 |
Roy, Martin | 14.9 |
Samson, Gerard | 7.6 |
Saumure, Chris | |
Sleigh, Kevin | 6.9 |
Spurrell, Andrew | 10.4 |
Staniforth, Andrew | |
Stevens, Kevin | 12.6 |
Strike, Lori | 12.0 |
Sutherland, William | 11.0 |
wallace, michael | 8.7 |
whitelock, chad | 13.8 |